Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of this website and to how Koorana Child & Family Services (Koorana, us, we our) collects, uses and discloses any personal information you may provide by visiting this website. These Terms and Conditions stand in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.
Content management
All content available from this website is copyright, owned and managed by Koorana.
Copying, modifying, reproducing and transmitting any content including trademarks from this website without prior written approval is not permitted.
Any content linked to from this website is not owned by Koorana. It remains the copyright of the owner of that content. Restrictions on the use of that material may also be in place and Koorana has made reasonable effort to identify and label such content and to obtain consent to display it.
Koorana has obtained specific consent from parents and principal carers to use images of children and young persons displayed on this website. This consent does not extend to third parties and downloading and using these images for any purpose requires the consent of the respective parent or principal carer for each instance.
Links to other websites
This website may contain links to other websites for the convenience of users. Koorana is not responsible or liable for the content of any such websites and users view those websites at their own risk. Hyperlinks to other websites do not indicate any endorsement or recommendation by Koorana.
Information we collect, and what for
When you communicate with us digitally, for example when you register for a service, participate in an event or engage via social media, we collect the information that you provide to us.
Please note that communicating digitally almost always also means that other companies may collect information (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google etc). Koorana cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of these companies. Please examine the privacy policies of these providers to form your own opinion on their integrity.
The personal information we collect is only used for the purpose for which we are collecting it; for example:
- in response to an enquiry or a complaint you made or to feedback you provided;
- to process payments for services you access:
- to connect you or your child to the services you require;
- to keep you informed about activities and services that may be of interest to you;
- to process and receipt donations and gifts, and
- to fulfil legal and contractual obligations.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about the protocols Koorana has in place to protect your personal information.
This website uses cookies to improves the experience of users by remembering certain of their preferences when they return.
You can change the settings of your web browser to accept or reject all or some cookies if you do not wish this to occur while you visit the Koorana website. Please note that rejecting cookies may deactivate some features of our website.
Google Analytics
Koorana may collect and analyse data from our website traffic through Google Analytics. It allows us to analyse and gain insights in browsing preferences of users, including where they came from and what they did on the site, without revealing who each user is.
Please refer to Google’s privacy policy and information google.com/policies/privacy/partners
Koorana uses a secure, encrypted system to process online payments and donations. However, while all care is taken, we cannot guarantee the security of information you provide to us through electronic means.
Use of this website
You agree to only use this website in accordance with these terms and conditions and any applicable legislation.
Your rights
If you have any questions about these Terms and Contusion’s, please contact us.
You have the right to provide feedback and make a complaint without it affecting your relationship with Koorana and any services you receive. You may do so by speaking with one of our staff, calling, emailing or sending a letter to Koorana or by completing the online form
Privacy Officer
Koorana Child & Family Services Ltd.
PO Box 403
1300 566 726
We will contact you within 3 business days to discuss your request, feedback or complaint with you, and we may require up to 3 weeks to investigate and resolve the issue.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may complain to Koorana’s Chief Executive Officer or the President of the Board, or you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for a resolution (T 1300 363 992).