What We Do

Koorana provides diverse services to give you the skills and support your family needs for your children to happily and confidently learn, make friends and reach their potential.

What Koorana does

Koorana is a purpose-driven and community based non-profit organisation, that was established in 1976. We provide a variety of preschool and early education supports, as well as disability services for children across the Inner West, South West, South East and Southern areas of Sydney.

Who we help

Children of all abilities icon
Children of all abilities​
Families from all cultures icon
Families from all cultures
Interpreters available for your use icon
Interpreters available for your use
Siblings of children with additional needs icon
Siblings of Children with additional needs
People with English as a Second Language icon
People with English as a second language

Our Vision

All children of all abilities have the opportunity to explore all possibilities in safe, supportive and inclusive environments. 

Our Mission

We empower children and their families through the provision of high-quality services and a collaborative partnership with community supports.

We put child and family’s needs and wishes first and respect their right to self determination.

Core values

We seek for others to feel safe, secure, included and understood. We celebrate diversity, treat one another with respect, and demonstrate empathy and understanding for all.

We put child and family’s needs and wishes first and respect their right to self determination.

We work with families, partners and community collaboratively. Our teams work together, and we take a consultative approach to leadership.

We value and celebrate feedback. We provide this constructively.
We believe in lifelong learning and seek to find new ways to improve our practice.

We value and celebrate feedback. We provide this constructively.
We believe in lifelong learning and seek to find new ways to improve our practice.

Koorana Child & Family Services