Supported Playgroups: Awareness and appreciation of local Aboriginal knowledge

Awareness and appreciation of local Aboriginal knowledge

Join Uncle Jimmy and the Supported Playgroups Team to learn and develop an appreciation of local Aboriginal knowledge. The program will be delivered through participation in storytelling, music, bush tucker walks, and ecology walks within the parks in Canterbury-Bankstown.

Session Details:

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm
Cost: FREE

These sessions are funded by the Canterbury-Bankstown Council under the Community Grants & Events Sponsorship Program.

When & Where

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Raffle for Inclusion

Win exciting prizes supporting a Great Cause! We are excited to announce our first Community Raffle! By participating, you are helping us continue our mission of supporting children and families to build brighter futures and built our new Inclusive Preschool in Bass Hill.

News & Events

Koorana Wellness Check and Conditions of Entry

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Koorana Child & Family Services